panel-overview In the Administration Board of out WebService, you will have an list of all your locations. Here you can search for one. Edit one or modify your locations.

Above of that we can configure you an default marker-icon for each locations which will be show if no location specific one is defined. We also can define how many results are displayed for each paging.

Sure in these backend you will receive your PERSONAL-AUTH-TOKEN

Add Datasets manually

panel-edit You can manage all your Locations into our Admin Board. The following fields can be used to display and filtering the results.

Name Description
standort_name Titel
standort_name2 Sub Titel
standort_street Street
standort_hanr Housenumber
standort_street_sub Street sub description
standort_zip Zip of you City
standort_city City
standort_country County
standort_phone Phone number
standort_fax Fax number
standort_email E-Mail
standort_internet Internet Domain
standort_desc Description
standort_info Extended Information,
we recommended it for extended filtering
standort_lat Geocoordinates get automatically from Address input
standort_lon Geocoordinates get automatically from Address input
standort_prio External Classes. Prio = 9 will display the "PREMIUM" Flag by defult
standorte_icon An MAP-Marker Icon
standorte_image An Picture you want to see in the Result list

Add Datasets over your personal Bridge

Some of our customers has an personal CSV-Import Bridge to store all of his Data into the Board. If you need this to. We will proud to hear from you.

Please contact us for an offer.